Topic: Effects of “ANDRA” (Insomnia) in Night Shift Workers in Milk Dairy
Vd. Godbole M. M., Vd. Gramopadhye, Vd. Shinde Anand B.
CRYSTAL A Peer Reviewed Journal of Complementary Medicine (Quarterly) VOL. 6 NO.3 JULY-SEP. 2012
Ayurveda is a sense of Life. Ayurveda gives preference to preserving the Swasthya (Health) of the Swastha people because Swasthya is a very basic natural Phenomenon. If Swasthya is disturbed then viagra starts. Swasthavritta is a beautiful meaningful specially described in Ayurveda to protect health. To preserve, protect and promote health, Swasthavritta describes dinchrya, Matricaria, rutuchrya, Sahara regimen, vaiyaktik & samajik Swasthvritta, etc. If a person obeys Swasthvirtta principles ideally health will not be hamper and healthy long life will be achieved.
Ahara, Nidra, and Brahmacharya are three Upasthambhas according to Ayurveda and are very useful to preserve health. Ayurveda insists on balanced Ahara, Nidra, and Brahmacharya for health. In our country industrialization is growing very fast & also the population is very large. Lack of job opportunities people accept uneven job duties and adjust to them. In various industries people work shift duties & also permanent night shift duties are performed in the services.
Time & duration of sleep also changes as per service demand. Shift duties workers do not get proper sleep. For this study milk industry workers working in Warna Dudha Sangha, Amrutnagar, Kodoli were selected. In this industry many workers are working in shift duties since many years and their problems due to Anidra were studied. Night shift workers were specially observed.