Our BAMS Student Miss. Shraddha Hankare stood first in the Winter 2015 Examinations conducted by the MUHS of Nashik.
Congratulations! Congratulations !! Congratulations !!! Our Final Year B.A.M.S. student Miss. Shraddha Hankare stood first in the Winter 2015 examinations conducted by the Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences of Nashik. She got a Distinction in three subjects viz. Prasutitantra & Strirog , Charak Samhita and Panchakarma . She was awarded a Gold medal during the Convocation ceremony […]
Inter-University Youth Festival ” Indradhanushya 2013″ five students from our college were chosen to represent MUHS, Nashik.
In the Inter-University Youth Festival,” Indradhanushya 2013″ five students from our college were chosen to represent Maharashtra University Of Health Sciences, Nashik in various cultural events which were held at Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere ( Raigad ) from 7th to 11th December 2013.Prof.Dr.Abhay Kumar Kulkarni was selected as a Team Leader for the said […]
JJMAMC Participated in Zonal sports meet held at Kodoli and organized by Yashavant Ayurvedic Medical College, Kodoli behalf of the MUHS
Our college participated in Zonal sports meet held at Kodoli and organized by Yashavant Ayurvedic Medical College, Kodoli behalf of the Maharashtra University of Health Science from 27th to 29th of October 2012. Various games were conducted such as Kabbadi, Kho-kho, Volleyball, Basketball, and Athletics in those days under the guidance of Dr. Prasad P. […]